December 17, 2009

It's almost Christmas

It is almost Christmas! Yeah! The Mr. and I bought yesterday night our tree and today I set it up and decorated it. I love it! It is a huge one, almost touching the ceiling. The picture is just not giving justice about how nice it looks.
For decorating I used the old Christmas ornament I inherited from my grandma. They are really old and have quite a few ugly spot, but I find that makes them even more charming.


Jackie's Stitches said...

Your grandmothers ornaments are beautiful! You're very lucky to have them. I have a couple of ornies from the year my parents married which was 50 years ago. They are very special to me.

Tonny Tangelder said...

Sind stolz das Oma´s Weihnachtsschmuck wieder in gebrauch sind.
Oma und Opa würden sich sehr freuen.
Greetings Mam and Dad.
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to anyone.

Margaret said...

How lovely to have your grandmother's ornaments. Merry Christmas to you and your family

Michelle said...

Your Grandmother's Christmas ornaments are very beautiful - you are so lucky to have them! Have a very Merry Christmas!

Siobhán said...

What beautiful ornaments! I hope you had a wonderful Christmas.